Allows authenticating to complete REST API requests through OAuth2.
url – provide OAuth 2.0 endpoint to retrieve the token portion of the OAuth 2.0 specification
- Required: yes
grant type – select from the list needed grant type and link with the value from Constants or Named Constant, etc:
- authorization_code
- password
- client_credentionals
- Required: yes
parameter – select one or several (using “+”) authorization parameters of OAuth2 authentications:
- client_id
- client_sercet
- username
- password
- code
- redirect uri
- response_type
- Required: yes
additional params – specify any additional parameters that aren’t available above. To specify additional parameters build them in the same way as query parameters in Rest Client (e.g. using Structures)
authentication – OAuth2 authentication, link it to the input port authentication of Rest Client
here is an example of filling OAuth2 to authenticate in Sugar: