To create logic and perform configuration for your own instance, Logic Builder project must have uploaded Sugar Metadata.
You can check what is metadata in Wiki, but generally, it is a list of modules, fields in each module, and relationships between these modules, as this is what you are going to use for configuration.
Logic Builder doesn’t retrieve any business data.
So, to upload metadata, navigate to Project -> Upload Sugar Metadata OR during the creation of the New Project:

If you would like to give it a try without configuring your own Sugar just select ‘User ready-made Sugar metadata’:

To upload metadata from your own instance:
If your instance is accessible from the Internet – select the option ‘Import metadata from Sugar via URL’
- in Sugar URL provide a link to your Sugar (the link you use to log in, for example,
Note: be careful when specifying the link – you must specify https:// or http://, the link should not contain links to modules, for example, - in Sugar Login – specify the login of a user who has access to Sugar
- in Sugar Password – enter the password of the user whose login you specified above

- When you have specified all the connection data, click the Update /Create Project
Note: The metadata is imported based on the rights of the user under which the connection is made. For example, if the user doesn’t have access to the Cases module due to role restrictions, the Cases module will not be available in Logic Builder. If possible, use an account with administrator rights.
If your instance is not accessible from the Internet:
- download Logic Builder metadata collector package (LB Package Management) and install it into your Sugar via Module Loader.
- Go to Administration page of your Sugar and select LB Metadata option in the Logic Builder section to download the metadata file.
- Return to Logic Builder and select option ‘Import metadata from a file’
- Select the downloaded file in Sugar Metadata File input box
- Click Update/Create Project