Allows splitting a flow into two paths based on condition. Corresponds to “if – then – else” instruction. Use it whenever it is needed to build evaluation criteria (e.f. whether Status is ‘New’, Quote is Approved etc.). Often used after start triggers like On Data Change to run the logic only upon specified conditions.
сondition – input criteria, boolean (true or false) value, based on which the True or False path is selected. Usually, a combination of Conditional and Boolean operators is used to obtain the value to use as an input for this port. Corresponds to IF in ‘if-then-else‘ instruction.
true – if the condition is true, the control flow is directed to the operator, to which this port is linked. Corresponds to THEN in ‘if-then-else’ instruction.
false – if the condition is false, the control flow is directed to the operator, to which this port is linked. Corresponds to ELSE in ‘if-then-else’ instruction.