Adds e-mail address to a record in a field with a type e-mail address. Out-of-the-box entities with Email Addresses are Lead, Contact, Account, Target.
entity – input entity to which a new Email address must be added
- Required: yes
email address – link or specify directly in the operator a new Email Address to add
- Required: yes
primary – input boolean true if new email address must be marked as primary. By default is false.
- Required: no

reply to – input boolean true if new email address must be marked as a reply to. By default is false.
- Required: no
invalid – input boolean true if new email address must be marked as an invalid. By default is false.
- Required: no

opt out – input boolean true if new email address must be marked as an opt out. By default is false.
- Required: no

entity – the entity with the newly added e-mail address
Let’s say that there are Contact details retrieved via REST and you would like to update email address based on the response. The flowchart which implements this may be like this:
Change Primary Email Address
Scenario 1: Set Email Address for the new record
For the new record, you may use a field email1 to set a primary email address:
Or new operator Add Email:
Scenario 2: changing Email address if there is an email address
To completely override a Primary Email Address, firstly remove the current Primary Email Address and then set the new one:
N.B. If there is more than one email address for the Record, removing only the Primary address as in the example above may end up with two primary addresses for the record.
To save all email addresses and change only the primary email address (along with preserving the old primary email address), it’s needed to remove all addresses, add a new one, and then return all removed emails, like this: